I have had the pleasure of being interviewed for the very first time by Elena French on her blog Elena's Easel, Elena is an illustrator that shares my love of colour pencils, she creates beautiful children's art and illustrations. Please stop by her blog and take a look..
please click here for interview
I will not be participating in Illustration Friday this week as my beloved old laptop suddenly stopped working this week, so I have had to replace it and will be spending the week loading software and doing all the other tricky and time consuming things that need to be done....
and pulling my hair out no doubt!!! :)
It was such a pleasure Kathy! Thanks again!
It was a pleasure to read the interview. You're a inspiration for me to go on with my "art"and that it not too late to pick up your dream and go for it. I know you will illustrate a children book in the future, you're so good
Thanks Kathy for your comment on my blog. I love your work! I love colored pencil and used to use them a lot. Seeing your work makes me want to pick them up again :o) Great interview!
Great interview Kathy!
I really enjoyed the interview! I hope you soon get the perfect book to illustrate - you are so talented!!
I'm so inspired by your answers Kathy. I too did a 2 year foundation at 35, applied to do Illustration at Bristol, was shortlisted but turned down. They accepted me on the Fine Art course instead which I hated but saw through until the end so I do have an Honours degree in Fine Art (plus I had another baby in the middle of the course, mad I know!) Illustration was still my first love and hearing your story and the way you work has spurred me on to follow my unconventional path towards being a full time illustrator! Thank you Kathy. By the way, is that little photo at the beginning of the interview a picture of you?xx
Yes Jess, that is me.. xxx
Great interview! I would love to purchase some prints when I get the money, I just have no idea how to do that....do you have a store??
thanks everyone for the kind comments.. I was really shy about doing the interview but I'm glad I did.. :)
I am so glad you like my work, I am looking into setting up an etsy shop on my blog, I think I may have just found the right person to make me prints professionally but at a reasonable price so please keep dropping by from time to time..
Hi Kathy! Great interview! it's great to know how is the daily life of an illustrator and how he/she works. Is inspiring for students like me...Thanks for your comment. Always lovely :)
It was such a pleasure to read your interview, thank you Kathy Hare! I'm holding thumbs, all the best for your illustrative future! :)
Wonderful stuff Kathy - from a big fan. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
All the best to you!
I'm going to read the interview, but I have to tell you, I'm missing your beautiful creation! But, I understand the computer issues! I had my own, a couple of months ago! When they work, they're wonderful, but when they don't, you realize your dependency! I look forward to coming back and checking out your fabulous work! Take care, luv!
Just finished reading your interview! Just fabulous! Not only are you a wonderful artist, but your story is so inspiring! Thank you!
Check out my blog I am doing a giveaway to celebrate Nikki Shoemaker's new book, "What's Wrong with Mud"
Kathy - What a great interview. Very inspiring to me as a late-bloomer considering going back to school for illustration. I always enjoy your work, and it was nice to get a peek into your world as the artist. Your illustrations are so beautiful, I was surprised to learn you have not been published yet - you will! Best of luck!
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