I found a link to
Ksenia's sad story on
Maryam's blog. Ksenia recently lost her husband in tragic circumstances and is making a book in his memory for their little daughter.The book's name is
"Mishkina knizhka" which has a double meaning in Russian – The little bear’s book and Misha's book (that is Mikka's real name).
I decided to join Maryam in taking part in this project by sending my "Little Bear" illustration, please take the time to join us if you can...
What a wonderful and healing idea Kathy. I visited her blog and was so touched I might just try a bear for that little girl...thanks a million.
Oh and your bear for her is just bear-illiant!!! Great work.
Beatiful work Kathy...Mikka would definitely love it...
Your illustration is so tender, Kathy. Thanks for sharing this - I'm fond of painting little bears and I will make one for her too.
Aw, that is very very touching. Thanks so much for sharing and your illustration is beautiful! I just sketched up one and look forward to finishing it! Such a sad story, but so sweet for that little girl to have such an amazing mother and community of people behind her, to help her heal!
What a wonderful illustration! The expressions are so expressive and perfect for the task - they touched my heart.
This is so adorable! What a sweet thing to contribute to! Very touching!
This is such a sweet, gentle illustration. I love both figures, and the soft white of both of them.
Aw, so sweet! I love the skinny legs!
Kathy how beautiful. You are full of heart.
Love Renee xoxoxo
Oh my gosh your art is absolutely delightful - there is no other word for it...well, actually, beautiful, stunning, breathtaking, amazing, I am in AWE of your work, just gorgeous!!
I love polar bears (their plight is killing me inside) and this piece is so touching - I'd love it if the human were cuddling the polar bear, but the proportions would be all off I suppose, lol.
Great work, I can't wait to see more!
I'm doing a book about bears and kids in bear cossies at the mo... hope I can get the kids looking as cute as this one! :-)
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
Impressed with your technique! with such white subjects there is so much color used and yet still feels clean and well white... beautifully done!
I like your style very much. It's ethereal.
ohhh really beautifull!!!!
I love your style! Wow! Your delicate hand is perfect for the genre! I am so impressed!
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